
What If My Car Accident Leaves Me Paralyzed?

PUBLISHED ON: November 16, 2023    LAST MODIFIED ON: November 27, 2023

If you’ve been involved in a serious car accident, the thought of living with paralysis can be scary and overwhelming. While it’s impossible to predict ahead of time what medical challenges may arise from a crash, as your Houston-based personal injury attorneys, our team at Nava Law Group is here to make sure you understand what may happen if your unfortunate accident leaves you paralyzed. We’ll talk through the legal implications and help guide you on how to move forward after such tragedy.

What If My Car Accident Leaves Me Paralyzed

Filing a Personal Injury Claim: Types of Compensation

Has an unexpected car accident left you or a loved one paralyzed? If so, we also understand how important it is to get financial support that can help with medical bills and other losses associated with your injury. There are several types of compensation that may be available if you are filing a personal injury claim due to paralysis after a car crash–let us help provide valuable insight into how you may be able to recoup some costs through this process.

  • Lost Wages: Being paralyzed from a car accident means you will likely miss a considerable amount of time from work. As a result, one of the types of compensation that you can pursue is lost wages. This will help cover the wages you would have earned had the accident not occurred.
  • Mental Suffering: Since a car accident resulting in paralysis is life-altering, emotional distress is almost inevitable. As a result, mental suffering can be claimed as a type of compensation. The scope of this category of damage covers depression, anxiety, personality changes, or other similar psychological disorders.
  • Medical Expenses: When you are left paralyzed after a car accident, medical expenses can devastate you financially. From hospital bills to rehabilitation fees, the costs can pile up quickly. You can seek compensation, and it can cover all the medical expenses associated with the injuries sustained from the accident.
  • Physical Pain: After an accident, you may experience physical pain. It can be long-lasting, and it can disrupt your quality of life. It’s essential to note that you shouldn’t ignore any pains; instead, you should see a doctor right away. Moreover, you can pursue compensation for this type of damages.
  • Physical Impairment: Paralysis is a life-altering event, and the damages suffered from an accident can have a long-term effect on your daily living. You may no longer be able to carry out activities of daily living such as cooking, shopping, or cleaning. An experienced Personal Injury Lawyer can help you seek compensation to offset the loss of quality of life.
  • Symptoms: Paralysis can mean a variety of symptoms that can affect your daily living and quality of life. These can include difficulty breathing, cognitive impairment, impaired speech, and a variety of other symptoms. In many cases, these symptoms represent long-lasting or even permanent damage and can significantly impact your day-to-day life.

Types of Paralysis

Paralysis is the loss of muscle function in one or more parts of the body, and it can have a significant impact on a person’s physical, emotional, and financial well-being. There are two main types of paralysis that can occur following a car accident–paraplegia and quadriplegia:


Paraplegia is the partial or complete paralysis of the legs and lower body. This type of paralysis is caused by an injury to the spinal cord below the first thoracic vertebra, which is located in the upper chest area. Common causes of paraplegia after a car accident include spinal cord injuries, herniated disks, and fractures to the lower spine.

Symptoms of paraplegia include the loss of feeling and movement in the legs and lower body, as well as bowel and bladder dysfunction. People with paraplegia may also experience respiratory issues, muscle spasms, and blood pressure irregularities.

There is currently no cure for paraplegia. Treatment options include physical therapy, medication, and assistive devices such as wheelchairs, braces, and crutches. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove or repair damaged tissue in the spinal cord.


Quadriplegia, also known as tetraplegia, is the partial or complete paralysis of the arms, legs, and torso. This type of paralysis is caused by an injury to the spinal cord in the neck region, which is located between the first and fourth cervical vertebrae. Car accidents are one of the leading causes of quadriplegia.

Symptoms of quadriplegia include the loss of feeling and movement in the arms, legs, and torso, as well as bowel and bladder dysfunction. People with quadriplegia may also experience respiratory issues, muscle spasms, and blood pressure irregularities.

Like paraplegia, there is currently no cure for quadriplegia. Treatment options include physical therapy, medication, and assistive devices such as wheelchairs, braces, and crutches. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove or repair damaged tissue in the spinal cord.

Understanding the Causes of Paralysis in a Car Accident

Paralysis is one of the most traumatic injuries that can result from a car accident, leading to a significant loss of mobility and quality of life. Understanding the causes of paralysis in a car accident can help you avoid these dangerous situations and seek appropriate compensation for your injuries should one occur.

  • Spinal Cord Injuries: The spinal cord is one of the most critical components of your nervous system, carrying messages from your brain to every part of your body. In a car accident, however, the spinal cord can suffer severe damage, leading to paralysis or loss of sensation in the arms, legs, torso, or entire body. Common spinal cord injuries include herniated discs, fractured vertebrae, and complete or partial spinal cord severing.
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries: The brain is the control center for your body, responsible for everything from movement and sensation to memory and emotion. When you experience a car accident, your head can hit against surfaces or experience a high-speed impact, leading to traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). TBIs can significantly affect cognitive abilities and physical function and, in severe cases, lead to paralysis.
  • Damage to Internal Organs: In a car accident, internal organs such as the lungs, heart, and liver can experience damage. These injuries can lead to a condition known as paraplegia, which causes paralysis of the lower extremities. Paraplegia can have severe lifelong implications and affects every aspect of a person’s life.
  • Seat Belt and Airbag Injuries: Airbags and seat belts are essential safety features that can help prevent severe injuries in a car accident. However, during a collision, these safety features can also cause severe injuries. Seat belts can cause spinal cord injuries that lead to paralysis, while airbags can cause head and neck injuries that contribute to TBIs and paralysis.
  • Electrical Shock: In some rare cases, car accidents can cause electrical shock. The current can cause extensive damage to nerves and muscles, leading to partial or full paralysis in various parts of the body.

Get Help Today with the Nava Law Group!

When dealing with the aftermath of a car accident that has left you paralyzed, it is imperative to have legal counsel to help protect your legal rights and navigate the complexities of such an injury. It can be hard to know where to start in this devastating situation, the uncertainty of what will come next makes it overwhelming. That’s why you should consider contacting Nava Law Group in Houston, TX at 713.661.9900 for personalized quality advice on how to secure your future and get the best possible outcome from this horrible event. We are here to assist you and guide you through challenging times with expertise resources, tailored to meet your specific needs. Doesn’t matter if it’s in court or outside of court; we are here to represent you and fight for what’s rightfully yours! Choose the very best legal advocacy in Texas today and take a positive step towards getting back your rightful compensation.

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